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With Logistics 4.0, the demand for efficient container management rises significantly. But choosing the perfect packaging for the parts and components within your supply chain can be complex. Should you go with returnable or non-returnable packaging? Maybe a combination of both? Besides the cost aspect, factors like quality control, process security, and sustainability play a decisive role.

Returnable transport packaging: Elevate your container management

Returnable transport packaging holds significant advantages compared to non-reusable packaging. Our long-lasting reusable containers perform much better than traditional cardboard packaging in storage, transport, and commissioning.

Professional container cleaning: Extra lives for your containers

A long-lasting container pool is the result of a professional cleaning routine. This meticulous procedure ensures that dust, oiling, and other impurities are removed, thereby considerably lengthening the lifespan of your pool. The spectrum varies widely: From impurities throughout the supply chain in the automotive industry, dust particles in electronics, heating, and pumping technology, all the way to the GDP requirements of the pharma and biotech sector. Every industry has its unique specifications when it comes to container cleaning.

Superior stocktaking, driven by our digitized container management

Another significant competitive advantage lies in the digitization of your container pool. The collected data opens the door to a fully transparent system cycle with multi-use transport packaging. That way, resources within the cycle are used efficiently and sustainably.
The step from Lean Logistics towards Logistics 4.0 in container management is characterized by a comprehensive integration of process-relevant data, available at any time. comepack’s unique combination of proven and innovative sensor technology carefully collects this data. The ability to make decisions in real-time is an integral part of the system as every single movement of a load carrier holds the potential to impact the supply chain as a whole. The collected data facilitates the logistical decision-making process and material supply, simultaneously ensuring quality on the recipient side. Transgressions critical values like impacts, temperature, and moisture will be displayed, delivering qualitative information crucial for further processing.
Take your next step towards superior sustainable return logistics and benefit from the advantages of intelligent container management powered by comepack.


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