These light small load carriers can carry a maximum load of 20 kg while maximizing the effective volume. Ergonomic handles for gripping from below, longitudinal auxiliary handles, and lifting holes guarantee maximum handling flexibility. A closer look at the model numbers will give you a rough indication of the product dimensions (e.g., RL KLT – 3147 = approx. 300 x 147 mm (length x width). The exact details are included in the attached product data sheets.
RL KLT – 3147
The lightest and most compact small load carrier, with a volume of 5,3 l, weighing in at only 0,57 kg (1,3 lbs). Up to 240 of these boxes can be stapled onto one palette.
RL KLT – 4147
25 % longer and 1/3 wider than the KLT 3147, more than doubling its effective volume (11,8 l).
RL KLT – 4174
Slightly higher than the KLT – 4147. This small and light load carrier weighs in at a mere 1,2 kg (2,65 lbs) and has an effective volume of 14,2 l.
RL KLT – 4213
A light and small load carrier, with a once again increased height of 213,75 mm (8,41 in) and a useful volume of 17,9 l.
RL KLT – 4280
The largest variant of the 42-series is a small load carrier with external dimensions of 396 x 297 x 280 mm (15,59 x 11,69 x 11,02 in). It is the perfect choice for compact goods with “high” demands.
RL KLT – 6147
Equivalent in length and width to two compact KLTs – 3147. Its height remains identical. The useful volume (25,7 l) is much larger.
RL KLT – 6174
Exactly 33% longer than the KLT 4147 providing double the useful volume (31 l).
RL KLT – 6213
The second largest light load carrier, 33 % longer and wider than the KLT 4213, with a volume of 39 l.
RL KLT – 6280
The largest load carrier of the superlight compact RL KLT series, with a useful volume of 52, l and spacey inner dimensions of 544 x 359 x 262 mm (21,4 x 14,1 x 10,3 in). The weight remains light with only 2,67 kg. .
RL KLT – General Information
Redesign-Light (RL) KLTs combine the advantages of lighter material with a higher effective volume.